When taking the wine bottle image / photograph, use a gray-card to ensure your white balance is as awesome. And, take the image in RAW format. You will be greatly rewarded for making the extra effort.
you should also invest in a simple level tool (a couple of bucks at the hardware store) to ensure the lens is level perpendicular to the floor and the bottle is also 90 degrees upright.
It can take a lot of time and effort to set up studio lighting to achieve the exact wine bottle specular highlights or reflections you desire. However, Photoshop makes it easy to add highlights in post.
What camera lens is best for bottle photography? And what professional photographers should look for in evaluating camera lenses for bottle images.
Just Bottle Shots Photography new 2017 pricing is $65.00 per bottle delivered on white background with no minimum orders. Just add $10.00 for delivery on transparent background. Plethora of features are included for free!